Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baby Survival Tip #384

Never look directly into the eyes of a sleepy baby. Your direct eye contact is like a line of cocaine immediately alerting their brain to wake up and play leaving you to hover helplessly in chair pose over a moving swing for the next 90 minutes all while pleading with your 12 week old to "go to sleep already." Silver lining: My thighs are now incredibly toned.


LWLH said...

Haha...girl I have missed you and your real take on things. This cracked me up and I will put this in my future mommy arsenal. ;)

JUST ME said...

Ever heard of that book "Go The Fuck To Sleep"? I don't even have kids and I'd buy it...

Emily said...

Yep! Definitely heard the book (with the Morgan Freeman narration). When I was pregnant and listened to it I was all "That is sooo wrong!" Now that I'm a mom I totally get it. lol

Christina McDonald said...

love it! haha :)

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