Thursday, January 19, 2012

Well, Hello There

Anyone remember me? Most likely not. It's only been 2 years.


I'm still alive but my life is a bit different. Since my last post I lost 49 pounds, the Boo and I got married, built and bought our own house, I (gained all the weight back plus some when I) got knocked up, and we had a baby!! Crazy, right?!?!

So here I am once again, on bended knee, begging you few remaining faithful readers o mine (Can you hear the echo? Cause there's no one out there) to give me another chance. I promise I won't leave you high and dry again. I have a baby now so you KNOW the possibility for embarrassing, ridiculous, incredibly sarcastic blog fodder is endless.

And c' know you missed me.


LWLH said...

Woot! Woot!
Congrats on getting married, I was wondering whatever happened and OMG a baby.....awwwwww little boy or girl? Name? Details girl!!

Amber said...

Yay for coming back! And getting married and having a baby. It's been a big two years! I see that you live in the Charlotte area - me too! I'm in a suburb just outside of South Charlotte. Small world! Can't wait to read more! :)

CeCe said...

You have been gone for 2 years and you have the same amount of followers as I do!! Something tells me you won't have any problem getting back in the blog world mix. Congrats on all that good stuff that's been going on.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!! How exciting - I can't wait to read about your life as a wife & mom!!

Emily said...

Thanks everyone.

Lil Woman - We have a girl and her name is Quinn. I just posted a picture of her in my new post today. Check it out! :)

Leah said...

Glad your back!!!

Leah said...

Glad your back!!!

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