Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today I Am Officially One Year Away from My Quarter Life Crisis

....and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Birthdays are kind of sucky once you're past the age where it's socially acceptable to brat it up and insist everyone cater to your every whim for the day.

(Or weekend.)

(I mean not that I totally didn't try to pull that. Cause I so did. But the Boo didn't buy it.)



LWLH said...

Happy Birthday?! :)

Teach.Workout.Love said...

happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday!! This time next month, I'll be 2 years past the quarter life crisis -- it hasn't been as bad as I anticipated, and for the first time, I'm actually looking forward to 30!

Have a fantastic birthday :)

Kylie said...

Happy Birthday!!

I always call it my birthday WEEK!! I need to be spoiled a little bit more! ;)

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday!!!

What age is it not acceptable to act like a kid and finish every request with a cute 'since it's my birthday," because I really would like to know. Is it 21? Pretty please don't let it be any younger cuz I enjoy that part of my B-day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday girl! Have yourself a little fun, even though it's Sunday. Eat some cake!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Wish we were there to help celebrate :)

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Birthday!

ThoughtsON said...

I will ALWAYS make a huge deal about my bday and force others to celebrate as though it is a national holiday :)
Happy Belated Birthday!

Mara said...

I will never reach an age where I don't get to be bratty and have my way around my birthday. I recently celebrated my 26th for an entire month!

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday! And I promise, 25 isn't that bad. You'll survive :-)

Bird Shit said...

Happy Birthday!

Shoshanah said...

Happy Birthday (a little late though)!!
And I agree, birthdays did seem a lot more exciting when we were younger

Stacie said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Nashe^ said...

Hope you had a fantabulous celebration!

PerplxinTexan♥ said...

Finally another bloggerette that believes good things come to those who whine.

*adds you to blogroll*

And what exactly is a midlife crisi like number wise because shouldn't everyone be different? I wanna die young so I have my 1/4 mid life at say 6

Suburban Sweetheart said...

Happy belated birthday! My QLC comes in early August, & you an bet it's going to involve a LOT of freaking out on my part.

Suburban Sweetheart said...

Happy belated birthday! My QLC comes in early August, & you an bet it's going to involve a LOT of freaking out on my part.

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